Friday, September 25, 2009

Fluvanna Fire Station Gets Stimulus Funds

In a press release dated September 24th, 2009 Congressman Tom Perriello announced over $1.4 million in Federal Stimulus money has been granted to Fluvanna County to construct a new Fire Station in Fork Union.

While the headline "Construction of New Fire Station Will Employ 100 People, Benefit Numerous Area Businesses" sounds wonderful, I feel very sick over the whole thing. How can we in good conscience take this money?

I fought hard against the Stimulus bill and I believe passing that legislation was absolutely reckless.

Perriello indicated at a Chamber of Commerce luncheon held at the Ashlawn Grille in Lake Monticello shortly after his vote for this horrendous pork-filled package that our taxes would not go up. Instead, he confessed that we would have to print money in order to pay for this bill. He evidently did not have a problem with this.

However, I did. I thought "printing money" was a crime. I mean, I'm not allowed to do that, so why is the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank allowed to do so?

My sister then asked the Congressman, "Well, wouldn't that lead to inflation?" His reply? "Yes, but not right away."

What!? Oh, I can't tell you how many shades of red I saw at that moment. I kept quiet because I was trying to refrain from exploding at the man, but I was livid. He saw nothing wrong with this!

But this is so wrong. The value of the dollar diminishes every time the printing presses fire up. We work hard to earn a living, but the cost of living goes up whenever inflation comes into play, so what we earned (and saved) yesterday can no longer pay for tomorrow. Whatever the difference is has been stolen from us. So someone please explain to me why our Congressman thinks this is okay.

It's not. Unfortunately though, it's the way of the world...we've accepted it in the past and for some odd reason most folks are content with just accepting it going forward. I say, NO!

Printing money (with nothing to back it up) leads to deflating dollars, which essentially is stealing and that is morally wrong.

So this brings me to...if we know that we are having to print money on the federal level in order to pay for this grant, then how on earth can we in Fluvanna County accept these funds in good faith?

"Oh, but it's for a new fire station," you might say.

It shouldn't matter what the money is for. The fact is we (at the local level, state level and federal level) don't have the money to pay for it, and we don't have the right to steal it from anyone else in order to satisfy our own needs/ matter how noble the cause.

It looks like I will be paying my local Board of Supervisors a visit in the next few weeks to discuss my concern with them. If you feel the same and you reside here in Fluvanna County, join me at the New County Courthouse in Palmyra on Wednesday, October 7th at 2PM and share your thoughts as well.

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